Outlook – November 2021

Rural leaders look for innovative ways to attract city folks to the country. Agri-Pulse

Rancher finds benefits in multi-species grazing. Farm Forum

Rebuild US manufacturing in these four steps, says Reagan task force. DefenseNews

Americans are moving west – but also toward cities. The Washington Post

Keeping Cattle on the Move and Carbon in the Soil. The New York Times

Pandemic Inspires Hot New Fashion Trend: “Made In America.” Forbes

Comprehensive report on U.S. cattle market published for Congress, USDA. The Eagle

Has E-commerce In Agriculture Flatlined? Ag Web

Robotics could bring manufacturing jobs back to the US. Utah Business

How to make grazing work on national grasslands. Successful Farming

Cowboys do not look at their profession as a career: it is a lifestyle that coincidentally pays. It is self-reliance elevated to an art.”

Taylor Sheridan on the American Cowboy. Cowboys & Indians Magazine

Researchers identify key indicators for ranch sustainability. BEEF Magazine

Supply chain crisis could permanently harm U.S. agriculture. News Dakota

Book on plains Native Americans named CSAW’s Outstanding Western Book of 2021. Amarillo Globe News

Reasons for optimism as U.S. agriculture heads into 2022. Muskogee Phoenix

How Kevin Costner’s non-woke ‘Yellowstone’ – that none of the liberal media ever write about – has quietly become the most streamed TV show in the US: Comfort TV portrays the way America used to be. The Daily Mail

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