Headlines – 7/24/23

Lowest Beef Herd Since 1971: Extension expert breaks down contributing factors impacting cattle industry. RFD-TV Border rancher fears for her life as migrants cross unchecked, ‘picked the wrong place to raise a

Headlines – 7/12/23

A leaky oil well poisoned a Colorado rancher’s herd, killing 6 cows. He still hasn’t been paid back. The Colorado Sun Montana rancher sentenced in BLM grazing fee scheme. AgDaily Anthrax confirmed

Headlines – 7/2/23

Republican governors intensify resistance to plan to sell land leases for conservation. AP Bureau of Land Management extends comment period for proposed Public Lands Rule. Herald and News US Commits More Lawyers

Outlook – July 2023

Agricultural shows boom across the UK as record crowds flock to the fields. The Guardian Having roots in rural America is a blessing. Farm and Dairy A Maui Rancher Prepares To Lose

Opinion – July 2023

Farm fields don’t just feed us. They store carbon. But a big question is how much. AP From Brazilian beef to petri dish protein, America’s ranchers need to push back now. The

Opinion – June 2023

Ranchers on the Frontlines Caring for Public Lands. Farm Bureau Farm-state lawmakers are praising the Supreme Court’s decision to shrink the Clean Water Act’s reach on federally protected wetlands. Climate hawks, however, aren’t so happy. Politico

Outlook – June 2023

Wary of Wolves, Some Western Ranchers Are Returning to Life on the Range. Modern Farmer Why These Cows Are Wearing Collars. The Wall Street Journal Study: Conventional beef is greener than current

Headlines – 6/7/23

Over-the-counter livestock antibiotics will require prescription after June 11. AgriLife Today Ranchers hail, environmentalists fear Supreme Court clean water ruling. Arizona Capitol Times Why your steak is getting pricier: Fewer cows, higher

Headlines – 5/16/23

Biden proposal would let conservationists lease public land much as drillers and ranchers do. NBC Half of the American West out of drought, but not fully recovered following massive winter storms. FOX

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