6 RANCH PODCAST: Hardcore Investigative Journalism with Keely Covello
James Nash is the host of the 6 Ranch Podcast.
It was an honor to sit with writer, veteran, guide/outfitter, and rancher James Nash on the 6 Ranch Podcast to discuss some of the issues impacting our freedom and culture in the American West. James is a great interviewer and a wealth of knowledge. Grateful for the attention he brought to these important stories.
Podcast Description:
Stories from folks with calloused hands. Natural resources and their science, agriculture, blue collar, hunting, fishing, shooting and adventure.
Episode Description:
Keely has investigated murders in the cartel controlled areas of northern California and many instances where government agencies seem to be trying to run ranchers off their properties. She has the purest form of courage and investigates wherever the truth leads her. In this jaw dropping episodes we dig into these stories. You can learn more about what she does at America Unwon.
Fair warning, these aren't stories that are going to make you feel good, but they are 100% stories that you need to hear.