Words cannot express the sorrow I have for those farmers and ranchers. California, is controlled by the worst of the worse. Politicians betray us. Those who are supposed to help us, harm us. It’s a shame. It’s all about the money and control. If we have a free and open food supply, we are not beholden to the elites. If we’re not careful, we’ll learn the hard way.

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Another sad California story

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We need to know more about these NGOs like the nature conservancy(no caps=no respect), the players and their funding.

Boundless outrage…decades of harassment punctuated by a rush before inauguration. F.

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Jan 14Edited

Justice one day will prevail. However painful those who have been taken by others unjustly will have their day.

California isn’t burning today for no reason.

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This is a difficult read as I have a lot of sympathy for local landowners. I followed the Nature Conservancy in the 90s and their ethos seemed to emphasize working with local communities. They would pay property taxes even if legally they didn’t have to. Maybe they have changed I don’t know.

On the other hand one must wonder what would have happened had those ranches been sold to Silicon Valley folks and developed or kept as vast private reserves.

Everyone has a different and in their own way romantic view of the land. Ranchers and farmers or should it be restored to some pristine state. Seems like we have room for both.

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California has become, increasingly overrun by an inept professional managerial class utterly out of touch with the vast majority of Californians. Their incestuous bromance with techbro billionaires and Hollywood elites, pushes ill advised pet progressive projects, ruining the long history of farming and agriculture that made the state what it was at its pinnacle. California’s incompetent leadership allows endless litigation, for any reason no mater how ridiculous, or nefarious, and forces the hands of local city and county officials to make sensible compromise. It’s one of the single reasons there is virtually zero development in California, especially around LA or SF.

Within this trajectory, in ten years or so, long after the ranchers who cared for the land are forgotten, these failed ecological policies will reveal themselves in a destructive way for the land. Who knows what that will look like, but it will be yet another failed experiment. This is happening not only in California, but across America and Canada.

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Environmentalists against farms don’t really care about the environment. They have a Disney based view of nature.

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Sad state of affairs… I used to visit Pt Reyes in the 70s and had no idea this was going on.

Perhaps… and I say perhaps… the Trump administration will deal with the NPS and how they are treating residents. And I don’t think Pt Reyes is the only problem.

He is shaking up many of the cabinet positions, why wouldn’t he do this to the NPS.

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For what it’s worth the Nature Conservancy press release. Some ranches will continue to operate. https://www.nature.org/en-us/newsroom/ca-pointreyes-agreement/

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