We live in SW Montana. We don't have cattle now, but many of our friends do. Many of our friends work winter calving operations. I had goat kids born at -18 in early OCTOBER. They lost both ears to frostbite. Thank God my daughter, her roommate and her boyfriend were home, as my husband was hunting, in central Montana. We had to shore up a shelter in a quick minute, not having expected a sub zero drop in temperature. Winter calving is no joke. Hats off to the bravery and dedication these men and WOMEN who tend the herd have.
We live in SW Montana. We don't have cattle now, but many of our friends do. Many of our friends work winter calving operations. I had goat kids born at -18 in early OCTOBER. They lost both ears to frostbite. Thank God my daughter, her roommate and her boyfriend were home, as my husband was hunting, in central Montana. We had to shore up a shelter in a quick minute, not having expected a sub zero drop in temperature. Winter calving is no joke. Hats off to the bravery and dedication these men and WOMEN who tend the herd have.
What a fascinating and informative article. God bless all who care for animals.
PS. When will the government address the Global Cooling? It won't be the first time that Global Cooling caused mass extinctions.
PPS. Obama gave everyone cell phones. Trump should give us all mukluks.