So good! Trapped in Oregon, because my husband's ancestor came here in the first wagon train. Forged a successful farming life, in one of the most beautiful and fertile areas. 6 generations and it's still fertile, beautiful and providing a living for lots of families. But the state and feds keep making it harder. Some of our long-time neighbors have been seduced by newcomers from mostly California into thinking we owe them our lands. The vitriolic lies thrown at these hardworking generous people has been difficult. I'm so hoping that Pres. Trump's vision and his cabinet will help us.

Keep up your amazing work, UnWon. Thank you.

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They sure make it tough for us in this West Coast states. Thank you for what you do friend!

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You go girl! You have a special skill to summarize a large number of serious issues in an understandable and meaningful manner. You have gained another family of subscribers!

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Thank you so much Dave! I appreciate you. Hope to make your subscription worthwhile!

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I knew a lot of this information, but when you put it all together in a well written article, like this one, you see the magnitude of what these bad policies have been done to the West. The government land grab is very apparent in Arizona, where only ~18% of land in the state is privately owned. ~27% is held in trust by Feds for Native American reservations. The State owns ~13%. Federal government owns remaining ~42, which is managed by Bureau of Land Management, US Forest Service, US Park Service, and US military. Biden administration made a number of Az land purchases in last 4 years, why did they “need” more? Other states in the West are largely owned by government, mostly by Federal government. While there are many considerations, like water usage, you can imagine how much could be raised to reduce the deficit now and future by selling some of this land for private uses.

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Yes, you are exactly right. When you put it all together, it looks like a slow but extremely effective attack on the sovereign West.

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Excellent article. Thank you.

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Thank you KMB!

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You have laid out the problems articulately and as concisely as possible given the magnitude of the problems across the western states. I’m praying you either already have the ear of Brooke Rollins, President Trump’s nominated Secretary of Agriculture or that you will have it soon. Presently, James Vilaseck is nothing more than a shill for the meat packing industry, and big ag chemical/seed companies. Keep up the great work. Our country needs your voice to be heard loudly.

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