A brilliant synopsis Keely put into layman's terms. This article should be the "Poster Child" for our last chance to get the right thing done. Only if there was a way to get this to the Presidents Cabinet and even himself where it would actually be read. I watched a great podcast you did with "California Underground" previously on the subject at hand and a couple other subjects that have been streamlined by those with the $$$'s. Please get as many of your fellow podcast friends and bloggers to post the whole contents of this article on their websites. I am one of many that grew up in Lake County and spend multiple hours in the Lake Pillsbury Valley seeing what will be lost. Since long ago the Lake Pillsbury Alliance and other local groups have done a great job trying to educate others as they try to save their homeland. The big problem is that in Lake County and the small population of Lake Pillsbury haven't been able to have their efforts heard except by their family and friends and a few outside of this. The Newspapers as well as law makers and PG+E have treated them as lepers. Even though I know where Congressman's Thompson's heart is on the subject, He has not come forward in full support of saving Scotts Dam. He seems not to want to ruffle the feathers of other fellow party congressman in the areas involved. I haven't heard a peep from him in the last 6 months on the subject. I have educated my group of friends, family, and business associates on the subject, but we are small and working people, As I have said before Thank You so much for all your efforts and keep the fight rolling. Cheers! Richard J. Rosa
Keely, you have done it again! Great coverage. PG&E has wanted out of the generation business for sometime now. The PV Project carries a very high environmental line item expense in their budget. They can better afford to support a congressman to make the problem go away. I believe it boils down to who you know now. Not what you know to be right. I am sure you will agree, common sense, it doesn't apply here.
Please keep reaching out as far as you can and I will do the same. Again, Thank You.
Thank you for this. My frustration with my northern CA neighbors (I’m in Huffman’s district) is overwhelming. So many are consumed with partisan politics on the national stage but seem completely ignorant of what is going on at home. There seems to be a belief that if the party they belong to is in charge, no accountability is needed and no betrayal of the electorate’s needs is possible. I have had conversations with neighbors who openly blame Republicans in the California state legislature for anything going wrong in the state, as if the minority party had any real control at all.
I will share this article with my neighbors in an attempt to get people thinking critically about our situation here. Please keep it up!!
great detailed explanation of the situation of which there are many similar stories throughout the state of intentional mismanagement of water (and electric) resources. and the public remains mostly unaware or indifferent until it is too late to do anything about it.
The California Globe has done extensive reporting on this in Edward Ring’s ongoing series “ The Abundance Choice.”
A brilliant synopsis Keely put into layman's terms. This article should be the "Poster Child" for our last chance to get the right thing done. Only if there was a way to get this to the Presidents Cabinet and even himself where it would actually be read. I watched a great podcast you did with "California Underground" previously on the subject at hand and a couple other subjects that have been streamlined by those with the $$$'s. Please get as many of your fellow podcast friends and bloggers to post the whole contents of this article on their websites. I am one of many that grew up in Lake County and spend multiple hours in the Lake Pillsbury Valley seeing what will be lost. Since long ago the Lake Pillsbury Alliance and other local groups have done a great job trying to educate others as they try to save their homeland. The big problem is that in Lake County and the small population of Lake Pillsbury haven't been able to have their efforts heard except by their family and friends and a few outside of this. The Newspapers as well as law makers and PG+E have treated them as lepers. Even though I know where Congressman's Thompson's heart is on the subject, He has not come forward in full support of saving Scotts Dam. He seems not to want to ruffle the feathers of other fellow party congressman in the areas involved. I haven't heard a peep from him in the last 6 months on the subject. I have educated my group of friends, family, and business associates on the subject, but we are small and working people, As I have said before Thank You so much for all your efforts and keep the fight rolling. Cheers! Richard J. Rosa
Keely, you have done it again! Great coverage. PG&E has wanted out of the generation business for sometime now. The PV Project carries a very high environmental line item expense in their budget. They can better afford to support a congressman to make the problem go away. I believe it boils down to who you know now. Not what you know to be right. I am sure you will agree, common sense, it doesn't apply here.
Please keep reaching out as far as you can and I will do the same. Again, Thank You.
Thank you for this. My frustration with my northern CA neighbors (I’m in Huffman’s district) is overwhelming. So many are consumed with partisan politics on the national stage but seem completely ignorant of what is going on at home. There seems to be a belief that if the party they belong to is in charge, no accountability is needed and no betrayal of the electorate’s needs is possible. I have had conversations with neighbors who openly blame Republicans in the California state legislature for anything going wrong in the state, as if the minority party had any real control at all.
I will share this article with my neighbors in an attempt to get people thinking critically about our situation here. Please keep it up!!
great detailed explanation of the situation of which there are many similar stories throughout the state of intentional mismanagement of water (and electric) resources. and the public remains mostly unaware or indifferent until it is too late to do anything about it.
The California Globe has done extensive reporting on this in Edward Ring’s ongoing series “ The Abundance Choice.”