Opinion – March 2024

Do public land managers even need Congress? The Daily Sentinel Grand Junction

Interior methane rule: Climate solution or lawsuit magnet? E&E

USDA trade policies hurt ranchers. Chadron Radio

Cattle-tracking provision that may limit beef supply passed in omnibus bill. Zero Hedge

There are mixed reviews on Bureau of Land Management’s proposal for sage grouse. RFD-TV

U.S. meat ranchers warn major companies are ‘investing’ in bugs, calls low beef production ‘crisis.’ The Daily Caller

‘I would love to see the monument go away’: Rancher suing Biden over Arizona land grab sounds off. The Daily Caller

Loss of cattle in deadly wildfires will impact ranchers and consumers alike, here’s how. NEWS4SA

Does the new FAFSA actually hurt farm families? It depends who you ask. USA Today

Family farmers and ranchers want updated Packers & Stockyards Act rules. Agri-Pulse

It’s time for Vilsack to stop appeasing Big Ag and start fighting for Iowa. Iowa Capital Dispatch

Inflation, global ‘sustainability’ push a potential death sentence for US Agriculture, farmers warn. FOX News

It’s time governments consider paying doctors to practice in rural areas. Daily Yonder

There are more good jobs in rural American than it might seem. That’s bad news for colleges. The Chronicle of Higher Education

Memo to the Left, if they ever want to win again: Rural America deserves better than sneering. Newsweek

The truth about ‘rural rage.’ Reason

‘White Rural Rage’ cites my research. It gets everything about rural America wrong. Newsweek

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