OK, I’m gonna sound like a meathead, but I gotta say this. If there are people going up into the forests and hills to do gangster crap…it’s time to send in the 82nd Airborne and the 101st Airborne and the 10th Mountain Division and run those bastards out at gunpoint or bayonet point. This is our country - let’s act like it!

RIP Dick Drewry. My heart breaks for the decent people in the area who are suffering at the hands of dirtbags from out of town.

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Living on a high ridge in Mendocino County, I had read about this murder in the AVA and Redheaded Blackbelt. Thank you for sussing out and telling this story.

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Kym at Redheaded Blackbelt did a great job covering this case. Thank you for reading Amanita

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I know all of these people; all these places. I have gathered cattle in these beautiful mountains and valleys. Mendocino County was a really special place to grow up. I am so sad. Thank you for this story, sad as it may be.

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Hi Shanna, thank you for writing. It really is hard to see what has happened to this beautiful place.

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Tragic and fascinating story. I myself am a NYC slicker so I think I’ve seen everything but even filthy NY seems easier to navigate. I guess no one ever believes how wild it still is out there. My dad told me if I was ever driving out west to fill my car and stop for no one because too many folks just disappeared out there. In investigating this murder, if you stick with ‘complex equals simple’ then your cowboy is probably right. With regard to illegal pot farming, it might require land confiscation and ruthless military force to regain territory so I’m figuring local law enforcement isn’t going to confront this monster if they have no backup. Not worth dying for. Good work.

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Truly sad. Whether it be illegal trade or illegal grows with water issues to go legal( whys that so hard-price fixing) it's insane that they make it so difficult for the people who live there and have forever to where they are being killed or ran out. Gavin Newsome, Big Pot and the cartels created the perfect storm and the brothers are correct. It's bad government all the way back to 39.

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One of the sheriffs told me he feels it just a political calculation. Newsom just needs SF and LA. The suffering of his rural constituents doesn't affect him electorally therefore it doesn't affect him at all.

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Then the sheriffs shouldn't be restricted and Newsome shouldn't be upset. What kind of pot head wants unethically grown or covered in pesticide stuff. I complain about seed to sale but it'd be a way to get the dispensaries to understand that it's medicine and only a cash crop when it's used for industrial applications and should be developed as such.

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Compelling story, really well written. Thank you!

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“I believe that places have memory…” When you believe that, you are in some sense home. Nice. Thank you.

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Great to have found this. I lived in Humboldt over 30 years ago and remember its beauty. I can only imagine how different it is now...

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Still beautiful but certainly changed. Thank you for reading.

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Wow! Tremendous! Side Note: Both my Dad (59) and I graduated Cal Poly SLO 86

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Thank you! Great ag school, many good friends there.

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Fantastic investigative journalism here, dark as it is I love seeing these stories pop up from independent sources. I grew up in Humboldt, child of back-to-the-landers, and this all rings so true for me. One of many unsolved murders and disappearances around there. Thank you for bringing more light to it.

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Thank you Miles, kind words and I am always especially grateful to hear from locals.

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Really amazing story. Thank you for sharing.

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Thank you for reading

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I really don't like "legalization" ("decriminalization!") for more than one reason, but especially because it's all just cartels/mob anyway producing. Other reasons have to do with effects on especially kids' brains, and that includes new strains that really need study. No objection to helping the ill.

I have wondered why everything the fed and state govt has done over the past many years just served to help the cartels/gangs/org crime.

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It’s shocking how the federal government targets citizens like the Maude family I wrote about in another article on this site for a decades-old fence, threatening them with jail and massive fines, meanwhile cartels are operating on our public land in this way with total impunity. Really shocking

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Does the US government care about its citizens? Or see them solely as a source of money and power? I am starting to wonder.

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I appreciate your courage in doing what you do. I'm born in the San Joaquin Valley. It pains me to hear of this in farm/ ranch country.

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I'll watch the film but it sounds like the only people that did know have reported what they knew to the police.

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Not at all the case.

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Tragic story, well written. So sad.

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Has law enforcement followed up with that woman who posted on Facebook blatantly incriminating her father? That seems like the next obvious step.

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Been there. Fished there. Fabulous country. Hard to understand why the old time residents can’t go to the County supervisors and pressure them to increase law enforcement. Why the family can’t raise hue and cry to all enforcing agencies involved to push for resolution. Need cold case help. Sounds like Oklahoma badlands of 1800’s. Need the feds and County. State could care less.

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