I am beyond impressed with these articles and the level of honesty provided. The method of these agencies begins as far back as elementary school now with the indoctrination of "humans= bad and the re-wilding movement. I can't stress enough how working lands are healthy lands and without active participants with experience and knowledge, the succession of grasslands turns to woody shrubs and eventually to over-rested forests. We need able-bodied men and women to help keep working lands alive because it's their work that feeds us and keeps us alive.
I am beyond impressed with these articles and the level of honesty provided. The method of these agencies begins as far back as elementary school now with the indoctrination of "humans= bad and the re-wilding movement. I can't stress enough how working lands are healthy lands and without active participants with experience and knowledge, the succession of grasslands turns to woody shrubs and eventually to over-rested forests. We need able-bodied men and women to help keep working lands alive because it's their work that feeds us and keeps us alive.
This Isa epic tragedy. As someone who has traveled all through that area , it a horrendous action by the Feds